How to Get Unstuck

I’m someone who loves setting big goals and knowing exactly what it is I’m working towards. That way, I can see each step to take and I know where that step will take me. The funny thing is, that’s not at all how life works.

When I first started my career in film and photography, I had no idea what to do. I was just shooting in the dark (for a lack of better words) and hoping for the best. As I struggled to find my footing, I realized that no one in this industry has the answers. Those who are willing to talk about their journey aren’t being sneaky or lying when they say that the way they did it probably won’t work for you.

And for me, that’s really frustrating.

When I don’t know the goal I’m working towards or the “thing” I want, I just stop.

I think a lot of us just stop.

When you’re anxious or worried, we procrastinate. That inaction causes more anxiety, leaving us in a torturous cycle. It’s easier to scroll on our phones than it is to do something that takes us a step forward.

Because I haven’t narrowed down my business or art to a one-sentence pitch, I’ve gotten stuck in that inaction cycle. Instead of taking a step in any direction, I’m standing still. To combat this, I started making.

To get unstuck, you have to do the opposite of whatever it is that’s keeping you there. You have to try something different. Try anything.

So I’ve been creating and experimenting. Working on editing old photos, writing more than I have in months, and learning how to tell stories better. And through all of this, I’m finding clarity.

Sometimes, instead of finding the destination first, we have to take steps in any direction to find where it is we want to be. If you’re stuck like me, confused what exactly it is you’re doing, try doing something.


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