How to Find Adventure in Every Day

I’ve always found myself seeking adventure in my everyday life. In college, I started feeling a strong pull to the outdoors and began to spend my free time in the mountains of Colorado. I became the ultimate weekend warrior, packing my bags to leave right after classes got out and would roll into town just in time for my 8 am philosophy course.

I held onto this lifestyle until the world entered lockdown in 2020 and I began spending more and more of my time in the wilderness near my house. As the world opened back up and I moved into working full-time, I realized I needed to find adventure in my everyday life and keep my weekends sacred.

Here are five different ways to begin injecting adventure into every day. Don’t waste time wishing you could hide away in the forest for a month on end, instead walk through the trees after work and see if your mood is lifted just a little. There are lots of creative ways to expand your horizon and broaden your life and these are just the start.

Take a New Way Home

This was huge for me when I was working in Denver and needed an escape. I would drive different routes home, sometimes with a map, sometimes not. Even if it added an extra hour, I used this time to listen to a new album or podcast episode and just spend time on the road with myself. If you love road trips and new places, this is a great way to find a little adventure in a new street.

Camp Out in Your Backyard

Your neighbors will think you’re crazy and that’s part of the fun! Pitch your tent in the backyard and experience a little bit of dirtbag life during the week. Staying up to look at the stars and rising with the birds is a great reset for your circadian rhythm and can really help your mindset.

Get Dirty

Do you have a garden? When was the last time you built a sandcastle or painted a wall? Spend some time getting dirty and making something with your hands. It’s a great way to reconnect with your creative side and feel productive as you become immersed in physical activity.

Say Yes! Or No!

Sometimes we habitually say yes or no to certain invitations, ideas, or outings. Change your answer and see what happens. Some of my best memories have come from saying yes to a last-minute game night or cocktails in the city.

Try Something Totally New

Whether you change how you style your hair for a day, try a new lunch spot, or go to karaoke after work with friends, you’re bound to feel a little more adventurous! Just stretching these muscles is great for increasing your confidence and learning more about what you love. Even if you ended up hating the new outfit or meal, you learned something and you tried something new.

What are some ways you find adventure in your day-to-day life? Take a photo or video and tag me on social media @alinaoutoors!


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